Thursday, November 13, 2014

Job search

Okay, so I've kind of been the queen of complaining lately. 
-Life is so hard
-I miss traveling
-Why is it so difficult to update my resume and find a job?
-Why are my parents such insensitive you-know-whats?
-Why are grad school applications sucking my life away?
-Waaaahhhhhhhhhh, I mean, seriously, I've been feeling pretty sorry for myself.

BUT--I'm getting into the groove of things with this job search business, and though I may totally hate my life again tomorrow, I'm kind of getting excited about everything!  I have so many areas of interest and so many random professional proficiencies from my odd-ball working life that the job search is as open as my imagination will take me.  I'm looking at positions at writing centers, news and radio stations, college test-prep centers, publishing houses, magazines, travel agencies and start-ups, and everywhere in between. 

As much as I hate the clerical bore of updating my resume and CV, it's given me a lift from the post-travel blues that have plagued my life for a month-ish.  So, yeah!  Super!  On to the next adventure!

Monday, November 3, 2014

My goal is to...

Live a life of...

Okay, sorry if I sound like a hippy, but this is just a good reminder for me.