Monday, March 3, 2014


Fun things:
1. Today was a great day.  Firstly, a poem I worked pretty hard at was well received in my writing course.  Secondly, my fav yoga teacher gave me a super genuine compliment on my yoga practice.  Both of these things made my day and meant a great deal to me.
2.  I recently had a visitor in Denver and was able to show him around many of my favorite places.  It was a great day of feeling like a tourist in my own city.  We went to Great Divide Brewery, Illegal Pete's, Kinga's, The Thinman, The Squire, Jelly, and a Marijuana dispensary called  iVita Wellness.  Super fun!
3.  The Oscars were totally weird but it meant so much to me to watch them and geek out to all the pretty dresses and my favorite movie stars.  There's nothing like the movies.
4.  I'M GOING TO THE MILEY CYRUS CONCERT TOMORROW WITH MY GIRL KELSEY!!!!  It's gonna be totally weird and awesome and creepy and fabulous.
5.  I just planned a last minute trip to CHICAGO for spring break.  Hi, I'm excited!!!!
6.  I recently hung up my Thailand maps in my room and it's feeling so much more like home.  HOMEEEE.

I've been in such a slump since coming back from Thailand that I'm trying to get stoked on little things in life.  I'm about to pay a couple parking tickets and man will I feel accomplished after that!!! WHOOOOOOO!