Sunday, January 29, 2012


WHOA... this weekend has been  BANANAS.
It's mostly been cray-cray because I went out Friday and Saturday night for shows but also had to wake up for my weekend classes Saturday and Sunday from 10am-5pm.  That's seven hours of class, yo.  The days have been long and while normally I'd just skip shows and get my homework done, I absolutely had to go.  Hindershot had their album release on Friday and Jeremiah's new band, Hills and Hollows, had their debut show on Saturday.  Homework or not, the amount of fun and killer riffs were just too many to pass up, maaaannn!
Friday was also a big deal because Kyle Shee made his last public appearance before flying to New Orleans to live the high-life for a while (tears!).  Seriously, though, people are always leaving Denver and although I'm pretty used to it by now, I always get sad.  Evee, Russ, Morgan.  Hm.  That's only three people.  But still!!  My girl, Ashley, will be leaving soon, too.  I'll just have to make the most of the upcoming months of Walgreens shopping we'll undoubtedly share (tears!).
And now it's time for lists!
Hindershot show:  Emily, Lucas, Diana, Stuart, Jesse, Spencer, Casey, Kyle Shee, Jenn, Kyle, Dan!, Chris, Landon, Duncan, Alicia, Patrick, Laura, Alex, Erica, Kathy, Ned and MORE!
Hills and Hollows show: (including those above), Ashley, Jason, Paul, Carrie, Josh, Tanisha, Cha, Katie, Elise, Alice, Angelica, Kyle B, Deirdre, John Paul, John, Cody, Jeremiah parents, and MORE!
Is it creepy to make lists like this?  Sorry if it's creepy.  I just have a horrible memory and like to remember all the people!  CREEP.
Anywhoo, here's a neat video by Hindershot:

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