Sunday, January 29, 2012

Holy shoe...

How sweet is this shoe!?
As if it wasn't bad ass enough with the architectural wedge, the United Nude team threw in the chunky neon strap to boot!  If I had the $310.00 to spend........ GAH!  Let's not even think about that.


WHOA... this weekend has been  BANANAS.
It's mostly been cray-cray because I went out Friday and Saturday night for shows but also had to wake up for my weekend classes Saturday and Sunday from 10am-5pm.  That's seven hours of class, yo.  The days have been long and while normally I'd just skip shows and get my homework done, I absolutely had to go.  Hindershot had their album release on Friday and Jeremiah's new band, Hills and Hollows, had their debut show on Saturday.  Homework or not, the amount of fun and killer riffs were just too many to pass up, maaaannn!
Friday was also a big deal because Kyle Shee made his last public appearance before flying to New Orleans to live the high-life for a while (tears!).  Seriously, though, people are always leaving Denver and although I'm pretty used to it by now, I always get sad.  Evee, Russ, Morgan.  Hm.  That's only three people.  But still!!  My girl, Ashley, will be leaving soon, too.  I'll just have to make the most of the upcoming months of Walgreens shopping we'll undoubtedly share (tears!).
And now it's time for lists!
Hindershot show:  Emily, Lucas, Diana, Stuart, Jesse, Spencer, Casey, Kyle Shee, Jenn, Kyle, Dan!, Chris, Landon, Duncan, Alicia, Patrick, Laura, Alex, Erica, Kathy, Ned and MORE!
Hills and Hollows show: (including those above), Ashley, Jason, Paul, Carrie, Josh, Tanisha, Cha, Katie, Elise, Alice, Angelica, Kyle B, Deirdre, John Paul, John, Cody, Jeremiah parents, and MORE!
Is it creepy to make lists like this?  Sorry if it's creepy.  I just have a horrible memory and like to remember all the people!  CREEP.
Anywhoo, here's a neat video by Hindershot:

Friday, January 27, 2012


For all zee latest fashionzzz...
My fashion blog.

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Brown hat...

Hey look!  Another hat.  This one is brown and I wore it tonight to watch the Nuggets whomp on the Knicks.  I really hate the color brown but I figured I'd give it a go-go.  Time for bed.

Saturday, January 21, 2012


Howdy!  Long time no chat on either bloggy but I wanted to quick post an update of the books I've been reading.  I'm an English Lit major which is truly the best cuz I just sit around and read all day.  YES!  The reason I haven't posted in a bit is because I was considering quitting the internet (facebook, bloglovin, blogging, yahoo, EVERYTHING) but then I read a few books that weren't required for school and felt productive enough to not quit the internet quite yet.  I think it's a little too easy for me to stare at my computer all day and miss all the great opportunities of going out, talking to people face-to-face, getting some sunshine and reading books in real life.... SO, my goal is to do all of those things first and have my interweb time come second.
This books was pretty heart wrenching.  It was one of those reads that pissed me off in a good way for its bitter truth.  I'm a firm believed that good art moves people in any form and my getting pissed off is a tell-tale sign of that artistry.  It was perhaps a little too politically driven for my liking but such a quick read I hardly noticed.  I'll give it a 7/10.
I have only just begun this collection of short ghost stories Roald Dahl collected from 15 different authors but I'm already bored.  I think I would be more into the stories if I hadn't first read Dahl's introduction where he boasts of reading 700+ ghost stories and finally collecting the best of the best.  None have moved me to raise an eyebrow thus far so I wish I would have skipped Dahl's hype and appreciated the stories for what they are: mildly amusing words on paper.  I'll give it a 2/10.


Also, last night I went out to Vine St. and Thinman with Kelsey, Ashley, Kyle, Alex, Jeremiah, Spencer, Dane and Laura and it was quite fun indeed.  I guess Kyle and I had a "Lip-gloss Off" that Jeremiah says was quite amusing as well.  Good people.