Saturday, July 16, 2011

Things that are awesome...

1.  I just saw the last Harry Potter movie with my little brother, Jeremiah, Sylvain and Mag.  IT WAS EPIC.  I mean, sorta.  I was just emotional throughout the entire movie because it was the last source of HP entertainment I'll be seeing in a while, maybe forever.  TEARS!!!
2.  Sylvain and Mag.  Guess what!?  You know that French kid Jeremiah met a year ago by sharing a cigarette outside the hidive??  Well, him and his girlfriend hosted us during our EUROTRIP and now we get to return the favor by hosting them for three whole weeks!  It's like having new roomies but better because they are excited about everything we do in America!  ("The bathrooms are clean here!  The cars are huge!  16th St. Mall!  Baseball games!  Pink nail polish!  Short shorts!")
3.  Speaking of new roomies.  Our new roommate Adam is totally the shit.  He keeps things clean.  Gets along with everyone.  Knows how to party.  And is the Funnest person to mess with!  Like yesterday, when I stacked each and every one of his plastic hangers precariously a top his head while he was trying to do-work-son on the computer.  PRICELESS.  I cackled for a solid 10 minutes.  (Just trust me on this one, REALLY funny!)
4.  Cleanliness.  Did I mention my house is clean now??  It's insane and I love it and everyone (including moi) is doing a much better job at keeping the house pretty.  PRETTY!!!
5.  My bf.  Dudebro y yo are having such a splendid time together at the moment.  YAY. 
6.  My schedule for the next week:
Saturday: Rockies game
Sunday: Breckenridge
Monday: Pool with Kelsey
Tues-Wed: Ranchin'
Thurs-Sun: UMS!!!

Hooray for fun and happy times.

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