Monday, June 20, 2011

Last days...

My last days in Iowa have been full of all kinds of crazy.  I haven't been taking any pictures because the thousands of pictures taken in Europe completely burned me out on picture taking.  BUT!  Here's what's been going on:

THIS IS A SHOUT-OUT TO PAIGE!!!  I met up with Paige at one of my favorite restaurants, the Atlas, and had a relaxed meal with a couple of her sweet friends on Thursday.  Shortly after we grabbed a quick MANGO PASSION FRUIT martini at the upscale Formosa and then left for the polar opposite bar, The Mill.  Ah, the Mill.  A couple minutes after we arrived, we were standing around the back patio and a drunken old man came up behind me and full-on groped my boob!!  Everyone was so incredibly shocked including me, but I managed to pull myself together, spin around, and heave his drunk ass into the brick wall.  I told him to get the F!! out of there and that was pretty much it... End Scene.  I guess that's the Mill for you...  The rest of the night was fabulous, however.  I saw DANA! and Tony, Peter and Brett among other grads from my high school.

The next night was also bananas.  I met up with Jenni, Keely and Jenna at Formosa for some insane sushi and Saki bombs.  The conversation was everything scandalous and nothing blog-appropriate which was absolutely what I needed!!  Keely and I had a lovely chat on the way home and I had just enough time to Skype with my honey before meeting up with Libby and friends at--you guessed it--The Mill.  I saw Peter and crew again but this time no groper and the addition of one of the Gunn's!!  Oh, I love the Gunn's.  Next stop was Joe's where too many shots were had and everyone stumbled home soon after.  I was fortunate enough to get a ride home from my good friend Tanner who saved me from a half hour of the dizzy-walks home.  So, I definitely owe him one.

I'm going to stop there as the next day was full of my five year reunion events and I still haven't recovered enough to put the day into words.  Instead, here's a picture of the albino deer that lives in my grandparents' town.  ENJOY!!

I love this deer.  We grew up together.  My grandparents' town is so small the slogan on t-shirts is St. Ansgar: Home of the Albino Deer.  AWESOME!!

1 comment:

  1. i still read your blog. hahahahha, thanks for the shoutout!
