Saturday, April 2, 2011


I've been slacking big time on this lil blog.  I even have pictures left over from Christmas in Iowa.. eek.
I had a wonderful day at the ranch today.  I normally have some sort of inner hissy-fit/breakdown because of how frustrating and unnatural riding comes to me but today was different.  I was frustrated but able to laugh about the experience too.  Grr!  One day at a time.  Jeff and I had another one of those epic conversations about life as we often do after a day of riding.  The weather cooperated for the most part aside from the slap-in-the-face wind.  I'm now getting ready for some much needed pizza in bed.  NOM NOM NOM!!!!!  Here are some randoms:
These are from a climbing trip with Mike, Paul and Addy.
 Paul, doin what he do.
 We forced him to take a shot!!
 This trip was so freezing!  I was not prepared in the least but Addy and I had a good trip home ditching the boys.
 One of the last Roger, Roll shows.
 El Nopalito on Alameda.
 The Thin Man with Jesse Liv!
 Bring your pet to work without telling your boss day!!
 Shannon's pup Brutis.  I saw my Bank of the Westers yesterday while visiting Erica one last time at Common Grounds.  GOOD TIMES.

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