After an insane three days of work and school I have finally been able to take a few hours to VEG-THE-F-OUT!!!!!! So far I've read my much neglected September Vogue (The largest issue each year), watched a few eps of How I Met Your Mother with Morgan, Facebooked like whoa, looked at fashion blogs like whoa, and I'm about to take an epic shower. EPIC. I really can't tell you how good this is feeling right now. To illustrate the madness of my current and semester-long life--and since I know you've all been dying to know--here is my schedule!!!
Wake up at 7AM
Finish random assignments or read 50 pages of lit.
9:30-10:45 20th Century Literature with Cynthia.
Submit online response from previous night's reading.
Read 100ish pages of lit.
2-3:15 Ethnic Liturature with IDK her name yet.
3:30-4:45 The American Novel with Gillian.
Go home and read as much as possible before crashing. Or, on days like today VEG.
Wake up at 7AM.
Work at the Writing Center 9-1PM.
2-3:15 Critical Writing with Colleen.
Frantic preparations for next class.
5-7:50 Modernism with Colleen.
Work at Writing Center 9-1PM.
Climb with brothers or go to South Broadway for pizza and thrifting.
Sit around, sore from climbing.
Work from home 6-10PM.
I'm busy as heck and already overwhelmed in my second week of school but YEEHAWW!! I live for this stuff.